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Dictionary madcap |ˈmadˌkap| adjective: amusingly eccentric : a surreal, madcap novel.
• done or thought up without considering the consequences; crazy or reckless : some madcap money-making scheme.
noun: an eccentric person.
madcap adjective 1 a madcap scheme reckless, rash, foolhardy, foolish, harebrained, wild, hasty, imprudent, ill-advised; informal crazy, crackpot, crack-brained. 2 a madcap comedy zany, eccentric, unconventional.
noun: she was a boisterous madcap eccentric, crank, madman/madwoman, maniac, lunatic; oddity, character; informal crackpot, oddball, weirdo, loony, nut, screwball, loon.
Madcap: fitting for me - yet also fitting for a 90's punk band from California and a Marvel villain, apparently.

Marvel Madcap has two super powers: 1. Fantastic rate of regeneration and recovery: he heals from any physical injury instantly, and even if he sustains enough damage to kill him (such as being flattened or having his neck snapped), or destroy him (such as being incinerated), he will immediately resurrect. 2. A specialized form of insanity-inducement that immediately affects those he makes eye contact with.

marvel villain! madcapped IS fitting for you ;) haha i love it.
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